Hazardous Area Inspections

Demonstrate compliance and ensure equipment integrity

Ongoing regular hazardous area inspections of Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA) dramatically reduce risk. Make sure your business is covered.

 A regular inspection program gives owners the confidence that in the event of a flammable or combustible atmosphere, equipment in that area will operate as intended.

Getting the design right from the start is the key, along with the selection and installation of the equipment. Moving into operations, AS/NZS 60079.17 outlines the requirements for ongoing regular inspections and maintenance. This aims to identify problems with the integrity of the equipment, reducing harm to people and plant when you need it the most.

The basics of EEHA equipment inspection

  New installations require an initial detailed inspection. These inspections are NOT a "tick and flick" exercise!

 The initial inspection is mandatory as AS/NZS 60079.10.1 & AS/NZS 60079.10.2 are called up in the AS/NZS 3000 wiring rules.

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Types of inspection regimes

HAZ Area Inspection Types


Visual Inspections

A visual hazardous area inspection is non-intrusive, and requires no tools to access the equipment. The purpose is to identify defects, such as missing bolts, damaged or broken lenses that are apparent to the naked eye.

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Close Inspections

This combines the visual hazardous area inspection items with the identification of defects such as loose bolts, glands etc. This inspection requires the use of tooling. Close inspections do not normally require enclosures to be opened or the equipment to be de-energised.

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Detailed Inspections

Detailed hazardous area inspections encompass the items covered by a close and visual inspections, as well as identifying defects (such as loose terminations) which will only be apparent by opening the enclosure with tools and test equipment. These inspections may require enclosures to be opened, equipment to be de-energised and cable glands to be dismantled.

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